
Mounted on truck body or chassis for easy mounting onto vehicle, the solutions we developed over years can have different capacities, dimensions and features to match customers needs and suit truck specifications.

Base models for spraying of conventional bitumen, cut-backs and emulsions are equipped with direct flame heating system and offer:

  • high efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • easiness to use;
  • low maintenance need;
  • a long service life.

The winning concept of our more advanced solutions is the break-through heating system made by a hot oil circuit fed by a dedicated heater on board.

This allow a more gently and accurate heating of the product inside the tank, as well as the heating of the whole spray bar - having it perfectly clean at any time - and of bitumen pump - avoiding thus any plugging problem.

Bitumen pump hydraulically driven, hydraulic spray bar, computerized spraying control and other options are available to maximize efficiency and performances up to the highest standards.

A specific model for PMB spraying has been developed, including all the most advanced technical solutions required to ensure a trouble-free use of these high viscosity products.

Manufactured in high-tensile steel, all equipments and components are in accordance with EC standards.

Send us your request

Have we convinced you? If you need further information or a quote for your next machine, please fill out and submit the form below. Our sales staff will contact you shortly to answer your questions.

Where we are

Massenza S.r.l.

Head office and factory:
Via Bologna, 12 - 43036 Fidenza (Parma), Italy

Telephone: +39 0524 202811
Fax: +39 0524 530205